
3 Risks of Flat Networks and How to Mitigate Them - VanBelkum

3 Risks of Flat Networks and How to Mitigate Them

What Is a Flat Network? Also called a “basic network”, a flat network is where all the devices in the facility are connected to each other. Each device can “talk” to every other device, from the phones in the service department to the cameras at the point of sale to the computers in accounting; there’s…

Get the 411 on Michigan's MLTS Law

Get the 411 on Michigan’s MLTS Law

If you are tasked with overseeing your organization’s Multi-line Telephone System (MLTS) you want to make sure that each phone works according to regulations if someone dials 911 from that phone. These regulations ensure that emergency personnel can easily know where the call originated so they can get there quickly to provide aid. In this…

Cloud-Based Video Surveillance System | Commercial Video Surveillance System

Caught on Camera: What every business owner needs to know about video surveillance systems

Installing a video surveillance system can offer several benefits to small businesses including protection against internal and external threats, safety, monitoring workflows, and more. The purchase of a few reliable network cameras for your business or organization can yield a high return on investment. 

Your data may be secure

Security: Your data may be secure, but what about your information? Let’s talk about BYOD.

Controlling access to your company’s data should be part of every IT security and compliance plan. But it’s time to think beyond your data and to start considering the security of your overall information as well. This blog is the first in a series that identifies gaps in your information security and gives you tips…